Anxiety and Panic Among Teens


Anxiety disorders are mental health conditions that involve excessive amounts of anxiety, fear, nervousness, worry, or dread. Anxiety that is too constant or too intense can cause a person to feel preoccupied, distracted, tense, and always on alert.


Panic disorder is a condition in which a young person consistently suffers from sudden, severe onsets of anxiety and physical shock, commonly known as “panic attacks.” This differs from other anxiety disorders in that the episodes are more intense and short-lived. Panic attacks only last a few minutes, but their effects can reverberate throughout the rest of the day in the form of shakiness and worry.


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Keep a lookout for some of the following signs of a panic attack in your teenager:

  • racing heartbeat or palpitations, lightheadedness

  • chest pain or tightness, shortness of breath, feeling like you’re choking

  • dizziness or vertigo, nausea

  • sweating or chills, shaking or trembling

  • changes in your mental state, such as a feeling of derealization (feeling of unreality) or depersonalization (being detached from oneself)

  • numbness or tingling in your hands or feet

  • fear that you might die

Keep a lookout for some of the following signs of an anxiety attack in your teenager:

  • Excessive fear or anxiety about things before they happen, Becoming easily alarmed or startled

  • Excessive worries about school, peers, or extracurricular activities, Avoiding/refusing to go to school

  • Constant concern and worry about safety for self or family members

  • Irritability, An inability to relax

  • Displaying clingy behaviour with parents and family members

  • Fear of staying the night away from one’s home

  • Inability to concentrate, Trouble sleeping

  • Unexpected shortness of breath

  • Complaints of physical ailments (stomachaches, headaches, muscle aches, and tension)

  • Excessive lethargy or fatigue

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